You might have heard this myth where it says that you have to work for 10,000 hours at anything you want to master. Well here’s what I personally think.
In order to improve your art you certainly don’t need to sit on your table for a good portion of your life creating stuff over and over again. There are however, some good habits that, when added to your daily routine can actually create a noticeable difference. So here are those 5 golden habits every PRO Artist has incorporated into their life:
1: Learning from other Artists
This statement can be a little misunderstood at times but the truth is, it’s totally fine to learn from and be inspired by other artists’, unless you’re completely duplicating their work in a way that is impermissible. You can and you should see and learn from the artists that you admire, by learning their methods and opting the techniques they have learned over time.
2: Being Persistent:
Persistence is the key to your improvement! Create a drawing, point out your mistakes, redraw it or draw something else unless it starts getting better.

3: Complete it no matter what!
Yes, you need to complete that artwork of yours which you don’t really like. By completing an artwork, regardless of how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ it is you increase your confidence and can start a new project with even more motivation, that’s how the cycle goes. You draw, you make mistakes, you redraw and improve.

4: Challenging yourself:
Give yourself some kind of time limit, pick a reference of something you’ve never drawn before, push yourself past your comfort zone, accept new challenges and try to think out of the box!
5: Self-Critique:
Self-evaluation and self-critique plays a vital role in any field you’re working in. Creating something is something big, no doubt about it, but what keeps your artwork improving is self-critiquing your work once you’ve successfully completed it. Put it away for a couple of days and after that pin point your mistakes and try to improve them